on the sunny side of the street. |
![]() MIRANDA. i've got a pocketful of sunshine~ Debbie Hannah Kenji Pei Fen Pei Li Pei Wei Sadrina Shawn Tisa Wen Kang Wen Qian September 2004 October 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 April 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 September 2011 October 2011 December 2011 Designer: xoxo, Basecodes: California blue |
Date ; Thursday, August 27, 2009 Time ; 9:35 PM Title ; LALALOVE Today's training was really nice. I mean, sure we scolded the juniors like hell. But while scolding it was like, we sort of reflected on how much we, ourselves have changed so much over the three years we have been in the team. How we were when we were sec 1's with the oh-so many problems within us. And then you come to that moment, where we are all so close and it gives you a sense of accomplishment, kind of? I don't think accomplishment's the right word, but it's the only one I can think of. Without anyone of us, we wouldn't be what we are today because whatever problems we had we settled it as a team. Any one or two persons problems and troubles is everyone's. ANTJE. ELISA. JOELLYN. PEIFEN. SIEWYUN. WENHUI. The bestdamn family. (: ![]() Singing today during training was so fun today. HAHA. Racket/guitar playing and singing pretty off key most of the time. Who needs karaoke right? (: Being high makes me go a little crazy. "Eh, Antje! You got the same shoes as me! Oh. Wait. Those are my shoes. HAHA" "GOODNIGHT!" Cause it's so clear Every year we get stronger What's gone is gone The past is the past Turn the radio up And then hit the gas Cause I know we've Come So Far But we've Got So Far To Go I know the road seems long But it won't be long 'till it's time to go So, most days we'll take it fast And some nights lets take it slow I know we've Come So Far But babyWe've Got So Far To Go
Date ; Thursday, August 20, 2009 Time ; 7:38 PM Title ; Hleath Week! This year's health week was okay I guess... Usually feels more fun than this... Sec 1: Ice-skating Cheerleading Sec 2: Ice-skating Bhangra dancing! Sec 3: Combat skirmish Inter-class basketball During health week I realised how important my friends are to me and without them I'd just be a sad loner who has zero social skills because I get intimidated easily and I think people will think I'm some sort of loser (which I am by the way. HAHA). Like combat skirmish. I was with my class and another 2 classes. One of those classes pretty blatantly said they didn't want to be in the same group as us (waayyy tactful) and well I'm not the closest with my class. I did talk to them I guess, but it didn't feel the same as it would have with 2gy. Like I could imagine that during those 15 minute intervals while waiting for our turn to play, we would probably sit in a circle playing "psstt" or animal concentration. And while running around we would probably discuss some kind of strategy or something. Is it pathetic, really? I should just move in and try to find a way to really love my class now, because 2GY's never going to happen again, even though while it lasted it was amazing. Inter-class basketball today was pretty fun I guess. But omg, the organisation was quite screwed. Like we went to the canteen after school and were just sitting around, waiting for the bus because we thought it would leave at 2.45, when in fact it left at 2. So I went to buy food, I came back, 6 of them were gone and JiaPing came looking for me. We figured they had gone to the basketball court to practise a bit before the actual game, but they weren't there so we thought we'd just play together for a while. Then we saw Siew Jia who told us when the bus actually left. So Jiaping and I had to walk in the sweltering sun and take bus to CCAB. We missed the first two games, but following all of that, basketball was pretty fun. I'm not bad I think! Just that I really can't dribble the ball when people are waving their arms around me. In between games I would feel a little loner (as usual), because I just didn't know what to say to the others, because when I said something, they wouldn't really give any response (again, with the they think I'm a loser theory) . The difference in the playing as time passed by was really obvious. People got injured, people slid and fell over the floor more. The exhaustion and sweat on the floor! But basketball really isn't a sport for me. Too violent for me! People pushing and whacking places they shouldn't... But it was fun. Walking to the bus stop with Jiaping was fun too. (: Attempting to pronounce cumulonimbus without much success. Our buses came simultaneously! How awesome. Yeah so that's health week this year. The last one in SC! Thinking of bhangra dance, shouldn't the class be starting to choreograph the dance for ACES day... The theme this year is kind of general I guess, not fun or cool theme to dance along to, like bollywood or hip hop etc. I guess there are only so many types of dances that are possible for inflexible, stiff people like me.
Date ; Saturday, August 15, 2009 Time ; 4:43 PM Title ; Lalalala Lola AWESOME! This is actually a 1970s song by The Kinks. But McFly and Busted redid it. :D Can you tell what it's about? HEHE.
Date ; Sunday, August 09, 2009 Time ; 12:11 AM Title ; it's your birthday! HAPPY 44TH SINGAPORE :D Wishes. Do they come true?...Ella.xoxo says:
Date ; Saturday, August 08, 2009 Time ; 1:49 PM Title ; look at all of the faces, they shine brightly in the sun Nday was as usual, awesome fun. Maching contingent OH MANN so proud of everyone. (: Three days were such a short time, but we still managed to look good most of the way I think! ![]() TISA - for being a great contingent commander, and coming back on Friday and commanding even though you were still sick! Thanks for the choco gummies, but remember? You're the burger while i'm the patty! Or something like that. HAHA SICK PREFECTS - like tisa, for marching even though you had just recovered, or even not quite recovered from your sickness. i.e. Tria, Pei Yi, Siew etc. NEW PREFECTS - for offering your time to the PB that you just stepped into, and for the commitment over those three days before yesterday. And with that, my last march ever for SCPB. 2008, Sports Day and National Day, 2009, Sports Day and National Day. I think marching was really a great experience. It's good bonding I think! (: Singing Those singing sessions before National Day, what's the use, everybody knows that the spirit on the day itself will be the highest, and this goes without saying! Standing in front of the field with both the 58th and 59th PB, running rounds around the field with trains. We looked like we just showered! SCDAY Supposed to be a picnic with the class, but I never actually sat down with them. COTTON CANDY SELLING! Got to know the new sec 1 prefects some more! (: SCBT outing! Well, there were only 5 of us. Initially we were going to watch HBP (for me, again), then we changed to watch UP 3D, and then finally we only watched UP. We went to the Park Mall Sakae again! HAHA. We definitely didn't make as much noise and eat as much as the last time we stormed through that place, but OMG, WEN HUI. Cannot bring you anywhere!! Then WH left, PF went home to change. Siew, Sa and I went to the arcade, only when we left for toilet break and came back did we realise that only people 16 and above were allowed in. But what did we matter, we saw little kids half our height in there. We played arcade games. OMG arcade basketball is frightening especially when I play. Alone. The balls kept flying backwards and Sa and Siew would have to catch them, and then finally, WHACK. Right square in the face. I'M SUCH A LOSER. But, I am the BISHIBASHIQUEEN. Owned Siew and Sa like crazy! :D Finally went to watch UP. IT"S GOOD. Oh man. It was cute, it was as usual, SUPER DUPER original. Oh and the short film before it. HAHA. Squirrel! Ball! Old men fighting. ![]() Afterwards, Sa and I went to PF's house. Spent half the time there treating her, because she jumped off her table and cut herself on it's side. -_- Then we played some Tahiti, where PF would always have like 9304892384 cards left while both Sa and I would have maybe 3 cards left? Finally went home. I was SO EXHAUSTED. From yesterday, from sleeping at 12 and waking up at 5.30 every morning for the past 4 days.
Date ; Thursday, August 06, 2009 Time ; 8:05 PM Title ; fantastic four This is bloody brilliant!
Date ; Sunday, August 02, 2009 Time ; 4:05 PM Title ; Spectacular! ![]() Watched Spectacular! after my 1 and a half hour nap after coming home from GIB. It's hardly like High School Musical I think. 1) It's not about a musical. It's show choir (which I think is really cool) 2) The lead actor is definitely cuter/hotter than Zac Efron and has an awesometastic voice (Nolan Gerard Funk!) ![]() 3) It's rock-ier I don't think I like it more than HSM, but I think it's nice. It's a cooler high school musical. =D Oh, but the songs are like, written by the people who wrote songs for HSM. Ah well. Favourite song from the movie! (: Everything can change.
Date ; Time ; 3:01 PM Title ; everything can change Haven't blogged in a long time! Been so busy, mugging for chem and whatever. So, GIB. I must say it was really short, so it feels kind of like a dream thing, like it never happened. But I know it did because of the numerous albums on facebook and my awesome gummies in front of me now. (: Had the chem test at 6.30 in the morning, I think it was quite ok actually, I left one question blank but I think (hope!) I'll live through it. So after that. Sat with Farisha in the bus, at first it was a little sian I think, we were all quite tired. So I slept a little, talked a little, failed singing a little. Pulai Springs resort is pretty nice :D So the first thing we did was have a tea break and change. play some ice breaker games, the silent interview thing and the tennis ball company. HAHA funny. Washing board! Then we had lunch. My group sat at the teachers' table. Whoops. HEHE. Because it wa prettier, with a black really lazy susan in the middle, nice glasses and all. Lunch was OK. Then we had some lectures about being a prefect and baseline standards and stuff. Then there were games! We went to the field. First game was to piggy back your group mate blindfolded and then make your way through and obstacle course. I piggybacked Charita, failing the first time because I knocked something, second time was pretty fast. (: Gaya and Siew Yun and Shana were so annoying! HAHA, they would purposely run in front of people and dump objects right in front of them. Then the people they were piggy backing would be like "STOPPP!" Then they would follow them, with every step they take, dumping something in front of them. Then we played the "get the mentos from the flour while doing some weird way of moving". HAHA I was really slow, because I was being prissy and tried to get as little flour as possible on me. HEHE. Sandy took another mentos for no reason! HAHA Following that was the soap football. That was SUPER SUPER fun. Like, there were mats laid out, mats covered with soap and water. Then we had to go round on all fours, scoring goals and such. SO FUN. I got totally soapy. Quite a few people got cut on the rocks though, I nearly did. Then we had to clean the mats which was real troublesome, but then some Indian men helped us by using a hose and washing them. Then we forced some money on them and ran off. I was initially supposed to room with Nat, Mei Yin, Samy, See-toh and Amanda, but since three of them came down with h1n1, I ended up rooming with Samy, Amanda, Celine and Ashley. It wasn't really what I expected but yeah. It was quite nice. (: Had dinner at the same restaurant as we did last year! Not complaining, food was gooddd. There were not enough tables for every group to have their own table, so then we had to split up and then I was walking with Sandy, and then Madam Wahida signalled to me to sit down with her, and I think she said my name, but then Sandy dragged my shirt and moved me to another table! I felt so horrible, but the other table was fun. We played the number game, and then Samy was SUPER lucky, and had to eat like 5 times! I didn't get anything HEHE. After dinner we went shopping. Chris, Tisa, Debbie, Farisha, Smalley and I wanted to go Baskin Robbins to eat, but there was a SUPER long queue, so we went to Starbucks instead. So we just sat there talking about everything and anything. Love these people (: Chris and I then went to the supermarket and we bought Kinder Bueno. At night Amanda and I ran over to Sandy, Deborah, Sha, Smalley and Chris' place to play bridge. It was SO FUN. HAHA. We kept accidentally revealing whose partner's we were and then Amanda was like SOOOO interested in it. HAHA. Jac came over also. We played until like 12.45 then Amanda and I ran back to our room. Samy was sleeping already and Ashley and Celine weren't back yet. Woke up at at 6.50 in the morning, went for PT. It wasn't very tiring, which is good! Buffet breakfast was good, but I ate too much carbs so I didn't eat a lot. After packing and all we went for the closing ceremony. Did some reflections. My group was leaning against each other's back, which is amazingly comfortable! Then we played like Blow Wind Blow and stuff. Then we were given our probation badges and we saw the montage which was FULL of unglams, and showed very little of Elastic Girl! CONGRATS SAMY, GAYA AND SMALLEY. I believe in you guys. You'll make SC the most enthu it's ever been. Exco will be revealed on Thursday. Eek After that we went for lunch at another place we went to last year. Even better food! But quite a lot I couldn't eat. Played the number game again, I was the only one who never guessed the number. HAHA How pro am I, seriously? Camwhored with my group, badminton etc. etc. We then went shopping at these small Malaysian shops with tidbits and I bought my usual big packet of gummies. :D Then we went to a chocolate boutique where they had like, tomato white chocolate, Sesame dark chocolate, tropical chocolate and more. It was super expensive! So I spent the time walking around the store, pointing at sec one's trying to remember their names. I think it worked! By this time, our bus was super high and we were screaming every song we knew, all the way back to Singapore. So, if you were to lazy or bored to read all that ^: 1. 59SCPB is great. 2. Lava/Elastic Girl is great. 3. SAT is hilarious. 4. SCBT is great.