on the sunny side of the street. |
![]() MIRANDA. i've got a pocketful of sunshine~ Debbie Hannah Kenji Pei Fen Pei Li Pei Wei Sadrina Shawn Tisa Wen Kang Wen Qian September 2004 October 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 April 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 September 2011 October 2011 December 2011 Designer: xoxo, Basecodes: California blue |
Date ; Saturday, January 31, 2009 Time ; 8:32 PM Title ; 58SCPB INVEST/HERITAGE DINNER 09! But I'm sad that invest is over. It's such a sad thought to think that next year would be my last investiture as an SC prefect ever. But you betcha, I'll be back for 60PB invest! HAHA. Ok, I'll stop thinking of the future, and go on to the past! =))
Was awesome awesome seeing Meldee, Ven and Marissa again! I ran all over the place right after invest, looking for Anglican, and then after like, 10-20 minutes, someone tells me they didn't RSVP. -_- I'm quite sad that my mum didn't wait after invest for me and left immediately. I would have thought she would want to see me and like tell me I did a good job or something. When I called her she told me, "Oh I thought it was because I was coming to pick you up at 9". But never mind that. Before dinner while we were hanging around the amphi I felt a little tired. But then after we ate the energy kind of came back! Yay! I would have camwhored so much more, but my camera started that vibrating thing and it wouldn't stop so I didn't take many photos, just a few blurry kind here and there. It's quite a cool effect apparently! At least it's working normally again. (: My camera is so temperamental! Loved the board song singing part. Love love love. Everyone was so high, and we were bopping and clapping and waving and all sorts. I went home at about 10 after helping to clear up. "Miranda! Unglam!" LOVE SCPB LOVE LOVE LOVE SCPB. Kristen steph(act3!) chuch(act3!) sally(act3!) jing ranita(act3!) bala(wehaveyuanfenmah!act3!) wailam(act3!) jephine(PSRhead!) angie nic(clusterhead!(:) joyslyn xinyuanbuddy zeshan(PSR!) joanna(pinkclub!PSR!Act3!)) smily(seniorinmorethanoneway!act3!) joy(act3!) wuwei(friend!act3!)) wangmo vera(gymcorridorbuddy!) weiwei xifan wernching(MADgroupleader!) judith jesslyn yani(thanksforheadinginvest!) aishah(act3!) nan jillian joyce nadia jocelyn kahyeen(seniorinmorethanoneway!) Tisa meiyin(act3!) sha nat(chickennene!PSR!)chris(PSR!) siewyun(PSR!) liwen(PSR!) carolyn gaya(FtothepowerofMK!) ann(wigglewigglefingers!) momo(peachna!) samy umi(act3i/c!) zah debbie(act3!) deborah(act3!) esther shuhui(act3i/ctoo!) shana sandy shennen huijun(doremon!) alanna kelly smalley amanda ashley Ellabuddy vicky(juniorinmorethanoneway!PSR!) marieann(mypleebo!PSR!) elizabeth(PSR!act3!) aisyah leerui peiyi kelyn sarah adila michelle melo(JuniorBestie!juniorinmorehthanoneway!) izzah(sicko!act3!) amierah alex tria(act3!) kiran yolanda(friend!act3!) nat binglin karuna(friend!act3!) junlei
Date ; Thursday, January 29, 2009 Time ; 9:37 PM Title ; the big day. TOMORROW. I was scrolling through my MSN list and I saw so many prefect's MSN names being something like "Tomorrow!", "excited" and it's so scary! I feel like we've been practising forever, but it's only been 3 months. So this year's invest didn't feel like last years, but it's still special. Very. Special. I can't wait for touring and being able so see DEE and RISSA! Too bad I can't use my camera during touring!! Today had SS test which was quite ok, double period physcis(omg), but that helped the day move a lot faster. Had recess in the beautiful new PB room with Zah. Invest prac was tiring. Probably because I only fell asleep at 1 yesterday. Which sucked. Lying in bed awake for 2 hours. Can't imagine what tonight's going to be like. After invest prac, stayed back with Nic and Tis(who left very soon after) to make Dee's birthday present! Which is super fantabulous. (: Left school about 8. It was scary. Going home alone, and it's kind of dark, and there was no one at the bus stop, and if they were I'd be super wary and scared. Haha. Bus took ultra long to come, but the ride was fast. CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW. I LOVE 58SCPB FOREVER AND EVER. It's our big day tomorrow! (: I just keep imagining every time I sing the board song, seeing people sitting there. You know how movies right, they film in like a circle, first the film the people singing during like a rehearsal, then the camera kind of rotates to show the end where people are clapping and cheering. A movie with that is Phantom of the Opera. That's what I think of every time. I hope it really comes true tomorrow. :D Heritage Dinner is going to be fun too!
Date ; Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Time ; 1:44 AM Title ; yoyo Yay new blogskin! It's all ELLA BUDDY'S fault I decided to change. But it's also thanks to ELLA BUDDY that I chose this pretty pretty skin. (: THANKS MY AWESOMEST BUDDY! (I love you to xinyuan!) And it doesn't matter if the words are weird okay BUDDY! The picture is pretty. =)) Today was first day, woke up supposedly late, bai nian-ed, visited dad, ate lunch at this indonesian restaurant, came home crashed, sorted out shoe cupboard, went out to visit family friend, baked chocolate chip cupcakes, watched part of 40 year old virgin, haha. All the older people (haha i'm considered an older person!) were like, "little kids go away!" Yep, got home at about 12, and now I'm here. Almost 2. Need to do work tomorrow. Sigh.
Date ; Monday, January 26, 2009 Time ; 1:09 AM Title ; HAPPY CNY(: I shan't do the Happy niu year thing. It was cute like, the first 2 times. ANYWAY. Today was a good day, except for the fact that I thought there was training today so I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY managed to drag myself to training after all these weeks and when I get there, I find the halls empty. Gosh I am SUCH a loser. So I had to troop all the way back home and that took up my one hour of could have been sleep. Yep. Went grocery shopping, prepared for steamboat! Yummy yummy annual steamboat tradition! =) I would upload pictures but it's kind of late and I'm going to fall asleep on this table soon. So dinner was fun, I suck at cracking eggs still. I love egg tofu and salmon! =)) I was sooooooooooo full after the steamboat, then we ate BEN & JERRY'S ice-cream! Vanilla chocolate chip cookie dough and Chubby Hubby! Then i was seriously full. And I crashed out on the couch for a while. Then I woke up to eat Tong yun because we HAVE to eat it together, and it was yummy, and when i wanted to move my whole thigh was like, super solid and I couldn't move it at all. Ouch. Well, not really ouch because I couldn't really feel anything. Yep, so I watched more TV and the crashed out again, and then woke up 4 seconds before new year. It's quite sad, I only got like, two smses for new year this year, and they're from the same person. HAHA. Accidentally sent to messages, but THANKS ANYWAY PEIFEN! =)) Fann Wong looked ultra ugly on TV today, her make up was so weird. And her hair was just gross. But whatever, I don't really care anyway. Tomorrow going to BAI NIAN! Going to visit dad's side relatives and then a family friend. hong baos hong baos. =) Ok I should go to sleep now, have to wake up at like, 8+ tomorrow. SIGH. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYBODY, HOPE YOU HAVE AN AWESOME YEAR. I'm very glad this chinese new year didn't start like the other one.
Date ; Sunday, January 25, 2009 Time ; 12:17 AM Title ; i heart shopping! =) I haven't finished my lit homework I was supposed to hand it like, 19 minutes ago. And I can't, because: 1. I spent the whole day shopping. Went to Wisma with family, 5 hours of shopping for CNY clothes woots! Covered the WHOLE wisma, and some of taka. I bought a pair of flats which I have been dying to have since forever, and I also got half a dress which is REALLY DAMN PRETTY from F21. =) My second piece of clothing from F21 yay! Half a dress because I have to share it with my sister, if not it wouldn't be in the comfort of my home right now. It's quite a funny story, getting that dress. Saw it in F21 the first time when we were leaving the shop. So then my sister and I kept bugging my mum about it, and then my mum got her own new year dress and was happy so she said yes! We then went back to the store, and we went to where the dress should be, and there was only M and L left!! So I asked this salesguy, and he said don't have, so we asked another salesgirl, and she asked some other salesgirl, and while she was asking, we saw someone HOLDING the dress. So we started following her around the shop and my sister was like, "EW that dress is disgusting!" and then the salesgirl found the dress. HAHA. So yay! GOT THE DRESS. AND IT'S PREETTYFANTABULOUSGORGEOUSAMAZINGLY PRETTY. =) But it's black. HEHE. Totally not new year-esque. 2. The internet is really uber distracting, and so is the TV. Facebooking, chatting to people and watching some Korean movie. Very. Distracting. AND I SUPER FORGOT I'M SUPPOSED TO GO FOR TRAINING TOMORROW. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAKE UP AHHH. OKAY GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY. =)
Date ; Saturday, January 24, 2009 Time ; 12:10 AM Title ; wheeee. Invest is now officially in less than a week. That is scary, but you know what, 58SCPB CAN AND WILL DO IT! This week has been pretty ok... Had media on monday, wow it seems so long ago now. Did this magazine thing, it was quite funny. Our media studies teacher gave us each this really super darn good chocolate for candy empire and a lollipop with a super long stick which I haven't eaten yet. Went for the very last part of invest, came into the KA with ann, and we just stood there and sung the rest of the board song and then listened to comments. Had training on Tuesday, I can't remember what it was like. HAHA. I think it was this training that we finally got our supposed to be sec 2 08 SCBT BDF shirt! And it's PINK! =) 6 of us proudly wore it for training. Vicky's birthday on Tuesday so, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY VICKY! =)) Oh and Sunday was Anna's birthday, so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ANNA!! Wednesday, Hwa Chong invest. Went with Nat and Meiyin (BRB MNM(S with sardine, but she can't come)) We took like half an hour to change into our blazers and shoes and I kept walking in and out of class. Thank goodness it was EMaths and it was a very slack period. I should really learn and remember how to tie ties. Hate court shoes to forever! Nat's blisters were a lot worse than mine though. Gross. So we got to HC supposedly late, but we actually weren't. At first we sat next to Cat High and I think River Valley? Then they made us move. We were there only for one hour. The invest was very, entertaining. It's quite cool that they can all stand very still, I fidget like amd. But I don't really get why they all don't smile, I thought it should be a happy occasion kind of thing. We left the auditorium at 3 and hung around the reception area(stealing punch that should be rightfully ours!) and attempting to camwhore, but my camera battery died. Sucks. Took taxi back, when we got back to school nat walked around barefoot and we passed by a lot of teachers. Changed in the classroom then went for invest prac, managed to do two run throughs. And apparently we improved! =)) And Wednesday was nat's birthday as well, so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY NAT! Thursday was training again, it was quite an ok training I guess. We were playing monkey with a used to be ice pack, but because the particles were exposed to heat, they started vibrating faster and the particles moved further apart and became a liquid. Fun fun! Friday was ok also, had SCMUN meeting after school, I think I made the right decision going for the meeting because they really went through a lot. The recess sessions that they've been giving me and Nat were sort of very rushed so I didn't really understand, but I kind of do now. I need a laptop to take notes. It'd be so much faster. Oh yeah, had chem test. I think I did quite ok, but I know I lost marks because I forgot to put the valency of the Iron Oxide, because I didn't put the (III) which sucks. And my graph may be the wrong way round, so that's like, kiss 3 marks bye bye. I hope I do quite well though, I didn't study that much, but right now the subject I'm getting the most is chem. Height and Weight today too! The machine is messed up. I'm only 165cm according to machine, but apparently it takes 3cm of your height so I'm supposed to be 168cm! I DON'T CARE I'M 168. HAHA. I ran 6 rounds in 6.39mins. 1.2km. That's quite ok I think. But if I kept going at that pace I don't think I'll be able to beat my p5 napfa score for 1.6. HAHA. Ok It's kind of late already. So I'll stop here. Going to cut my hair tomorrow so I don't have to tie it up. I'm really balding. Sniff. HAPPY ADVANCED CNY TO ALL! ENJOY THE FIVE DAY BREAK OR 4 DAYS IF YOU AREN'T LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE AN SC GIRL. =)) I haven't even made any plans to go out. I don't think I'll go out till march? Maybe Feb, Ella wants another BUDDY OUTING.
Date ; Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Time ; 6:32 PM Title ; update! Past few days have been pretty ok. 'O' Levels released on Monday, and our school did really well, so now we have 28th January break too! YAY. I've been wanting to fall asleep in class like, everyday now. That really sucks. I hardly ever felt that way for my whole school life. But whatever, that's sec 3. This morning, the sec 3's were like, I bet today's board meeting is going to be about slc, but it wasn't! HAHA. So I spent the whole first half of the day almost falling asleep and being nervous at the same time. Stayed back after school to help out with Chinese New Year deco. It was quite fun, it's sort of 3PR bonding thingy. =) I didn't eat a proper lunch gah. That is a very not good habit I should not start. I don't get surds. It's quite annoying.
Date ; Sunday, January 11, 2009 Time ; 6:39 PM Title ; PW. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEI WEI!!!!! LOVE YOU! =)) My walking dictionary/hug buddy friend of 8 years! Your laugh is so infectious and you can actually make non-lame jokes(that is a very hard thing to do!). We've been in so many classes together, I'm really missing your presence in my class now, not being able to see you turn around to vandalise nat's notebook, to give us the stare or just to talk. 2G, 3SY, 5G, 6G, 1GY, 2GY, ice-skating, media, SC MUN? I remember carrying books with you in 2G when we were two little class monitresses. Look where we are now. I can imagine looking back at all those photos in a decade or two and when I see your face, I'll just think, "Pei Wei really is one heck of a good friend", note, it's in present tense. WE CAN NEVER EVER LOSE TOUCH BECAUSE IF NOT I'D HUNT YOU DOWN. =) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ILY! And I am super proud to be the first person to wish you that. =)
Date ; Saturday, January 10, 2009 Time ; 4:48 PM Title ; Consistently inconsistent. EMO POST ALERT. You have been warned. I'm so friggin frustrated today. What's wrong with me? Breaking down during training, it's so stupid. But I have my reasons. None of which are what the BDF thinks it is. So I don't really want to tell people what it is today their face because I just start tearing up everytime someone asks me about it and tries to comfort me, being the crybaby that I am. It's sorted out pretty much into a few points. 1. Competition is in what, 2 weeks? Training today, I played like shit. I miss shots totally, and if I do come into contact with the shuttle, most of the time it goes into the net. I can't sustain a rally and it gets even worse when my partner was working her butt off trying to keep the rally going and with one stupid, careless shot it just goes straight into the net. If that's really my standard, I really don't think I'm ready to go for competition. Right now, as I look at it, I don't see a place in the seven for me anyway. SY's with Joellyn now, Antje can go with Pei Fen OR Wen Hui, and obviously I can't be put down for singles because that'll be like giving the point to the opponent. But anyway, I don't think I deserve to be in the 7. 2. Why the heck did you people choose me as vice-captain? I'm not all-rounded like SY. I'm not strong like Joellyn. I'm not determined like PF. I'm not fast around the court like Sa. I'm not hardworking like Wen Hui and Antje. Yeah, so I'm supposed to be "responsible". But to be a vice-captain it has to be more than just responsibility. You have to know the sport well, be able to motivate others by loving the sport so much yourself, set examples for others, step forward for extra training. If that was a checklist, it would look awfully blank. I KNOW for one that I'm not the best candidate for being vice-captain and since I've become one, I've been enjoying badminton a lot less. 3. The LAST thing I wanted was for wong to talk to me, because it'd just make me feel even worse inside and I'd have that very hate type of feeling inside. But she did. She kept saying, "what are you lacking of? Strength, power." Like I don't already know that! But now a days, even my netting, which is supposed to be my best doesn't even go over. If that's my best, I'd just love to see my worse. What's more, she also kept saying "You have to put your preference first" Who is she to ASSUME that badminton is my number one, just like her? Well GUESS WHAT. It isn't. It's not the same for me anymore. I used to enjoy it in primary school because there was no stress and I would be able to wake up on a Sunday morning and think to myself,"let's go for training!" But now? I can hardly bring myself to wake up and training is such a chore. I know I'm not up to standard, but I just don't seem to have the same love as I did have for badminton last time and that's what's holding me back from trainig harder and trying to improve. I feel there's more, but I just can't remember it all now. My life is reaching and all-time low, and I KNOW it'll get better, it's just that I really can't see the end of the tunnel right now. I really want to be in 15slc OT. Other people seem to know something about it, but I don't. And if I do happen to be so lucky as to get in, I'm going to have to manage my time freaking well. wong will OBVIOUSLY disapprove, but you know what, I don't care. Ever since 14slc ended I kept telling myself that I was going to be part of the OT the next year. But then there's SC-MUN too. Which I have no idea about right now, and will probably take up a lot of time too. Then there's investiture. At least that one ends this month. Don't get me wrong, I love investiture to bits, but I need to get one more thing of my load. Oh yes, my dad refuses to get me a new phone. And oh look, he bought himself a gorgeous iPhone and my sister a new handphone too.
Date ; Tuesday, January 06, 2009 Time ; 7:18 PM Title ; start of the normal. Orientation's finally over. I hardly even felt it really began because this year, I had practically nothing to do with orientation. No leading a class, no taking part in any of the games. It's quite sad, because now I only know my future badminton juniors in sec one. I feel like so much has happened already though, but yet it's only been three days. School sort of goes into full swing now and I pretty much have to stay back everyday of the week. It's almost like last year, it just feels different. I'm thinking it's also the MOE's fault for making school start on a Friday! Had Media Studies yesterday. I think I'm going to like it. The teacher looks young, she's quite nice, happy person, not strict. Ms Chow's there too so yay! And class is in the iMac lab which is good and air conditioned, but it may go to other com labs, which still is good anyway. The things we learn are quite interesting too! Yay! Another thing to look forward to. I actually finished all my homework already. So that's a good thing. I really feel I'm going to tone down a lot around some people this year. May not be so crazy and hyper anymore. That sucks.
Date ; Sunday, January 04, 2009 Time ; 3:19 PM Title ; SCBT Day YAY! This week takes so long to finally get over with. In one week I spent two WHOLE days with the two different groups I'm in in school. SCPB and SCBT. WHOLE. Days. Yesterday we had training in the morning. Ran 2.7km around there(started ahead of everybody with elisa, and then they said "oh, run as a team, so that was just a warm-up round. WTH) So training was all gameplay today. I'm finally free of elisa's dares. Had to propose to colleen until she said yes and then hug her from the back and say I love you grandpa(which isn't all that bad really, hugging is FUN!) Did lunges, and the touch one line run back touch another line run back thing, not my thighs are super aching. Bathed after training, forgot to bring my towel! and now I AM FOREVER IN DEBT TO ELENA AND ELISA LUR! =)) After everybody bathed, we went to Balmoral Plaza to eat at Waffle Town! We were crossing the road, and joellyn said we had to run, so we were all running with the food and drinks and all and we were making a lot of noise. The tissue paper I used to cover Antje's totally polluted cookies flew off during that time. Sigh. Took 67 to Joellyn's condo, sat next to PF, had to withstand her singing in the bus. HAHA. Jkjk. Got to the place, made the seniors presents. I didn't do much. I did YY's cover, but then they were like, "it's so ugly!" and that's friggin demoralising so I went out with Pei Fen and Joellyn just to get something from the house. Came back in, didn't do much again, just wrote a few messages. Went out to find Pei Fen and Elisa at the swimming pool. We were lying on those beach recliner things, and we suddenly thought of the HSM2 Fabulous! thing. HAHA! It was super funny. We were doing the recliner thing, when suddenly Joellyn walked past and was like, "WHAT are you doing?!" Went back in, lazed around a little more, I didn't really do much, because as everybody else also thinks and knows, I'm artistically challenged(and they really aren't afraid to tell me that). Later more of us went out again. Went to the playground, but there were little kids there, and this sign said it was for people aged 5-12 SO... Went to the baby pool for a while, but none of us brought extra change and we had to watch out for security guards so we got out again Camwhored in this steam bath place. Went to the fitness area. Played with monkey bars. I can't get to the end, I was one away! My arms were killing me. PF is pro! Yin Ling is insane, but still pro. YL tried to fit herself into the monkeybars, and then she ended up just hanging there and all, but she was able to get out really easily. Went back inside again. Oh yeah, each time we go out, it takes a hell long time for us to be able to go back in again. Why? Because people would refuse to open the gate for us. Each time, PF would go, "Joe! You're absolutely stunningly gorgeous today!" By the last time we got to the gate, people would just climb over the side of the house, and knock on the window beause joe's uncle's house is on the first level. So we finally almost finished the things. Then they said the seniors were coming! So we started rushing around the place cleaning up everything. Then they said, "it would take some time" We thought they had meant they were like, coming in already. Sheesh. Played Guitar Hero: World Tour! Joanna singing Beat It is the funniest thing ever! "Hee Hee!" I can play medium for guitar now! Whoots! So we played until I had to go. I kept wanting to take a group photo. But everybody was like, "later lah later lah." So in the end everybody started leaving already, and I had to go too, so tah dah, no group photo. If there was, it wouldn't have been a lot of people. Jocelyn's parents took Elisa, Elena, Rebekah and I to the MRT. We were walking realy fast to get into the MRT, because we were kind of scared. I dropped off at Raffles Place to go to Somerset and meet my mum at Centrepoint. Had kaya toast and milo then went home! =)
Date ; Friday, January 02, 2009 Time ; 9:19 PM Title ; three quiz for sec 3! I felt like doing something. Taken from Pei Li's bloggy. THREE NAMES YOU GO BY: Miranda Mimi Lin (family only!) THREE SCREEN NAMES YOU’VE HAD: [MIRANDA] everyone's perfect in unusual ways. [MIRANDA] it's your time to be. [MIRANDA] i can finally see the sunset. THREE THINGS YOU’VE DONE IN THE LAST 33 MINUTES: Eaten gummies. Watched Little Nyonya Computer! THREE THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: Enthusiasm Height Choice in friends. =) THREE THINGS YOU DISLIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: Inability to resist temptations Sensitivity Handwriting. THREE PARTS OF YOUR ORIGINS: Doctor? Mummy cells THREE THINGS YOU’RE AFRAID OF: Losing people close to me Creepy crawlies Sec 3 and above. THREE THINGS YOU ARE WEARING RIGHT NOW: Fbts Glasses Head of hair! THREE OF YOUR EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS: Air Food My brain THREE IMPORTANT OBJECTS: EZ Link Card Phone Camera (when you're bored, CAMWHORE!) THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BANDS: MCFLY Click Five Boys Like Girls THREE WAYS TO BE HAPPY: Be with friends who make you laugh and care for you =) Play Guitar Hero Eat. THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS AT PRESENT: Love Story - Taylor Swift Leave it All to Me - Miranda Cosgrove Just Dance - Lady Gaga THREE NEW THINGS YOU WANT TO TRY IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS: Saving money and not spending it all in one outing Getting a job! =) Something new.=) THREE THINGS YOU REGRET: Not learning to save money Giving up ballet after one month HAHA. Something unmentionable. =)) (no, not murder. I don't live in some Desperate Housewife drama) THREE THINGS YOU WANT IN A RELATIONSHIP: LOVE. Trust A bit of freeeedom THREE IMPORTANT THINGS YOU’RE GIVING TO THE WORLD: MY LOVE. My save-the-earth craziness and telling people not to take plastic bags! In the future maybe, LIFE. TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE (in any order): I don't like simple plan. ILY. I own pink FBTs. THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU LIKE IN THE OPPOSITE SEX: Hair. Smile Height. THREE EMOTIONAL THINGS YOU LIKE IN THE OPPOSITE SEX: Ability to withstand sensitivity! EQ Intelligence(is that emotional? Not really right? Never mind!) THREE THINGS YOU JUST CAN’T DO: Go out and PARTAYYY. Start a long conversation with people I know but aren't close to at all. THREE THINGS YOU MISS FROM YOUR PAST: 2GYIANS! The ice-cream store in the canteen! No more ice-cream!! SLC. THREE GIFTS YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE: New Handphone! Earphones Love and Other Four-Letter Words by Carolyn Mackler. THREE REASONS WHY YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE: Family Friends Genes. THREE OF YOUR FAVOURITE HOBBIES: Computer DS-ing Lying on my bed and listening to radio and singing along to any song I know THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO REALLY BADLY RIGHT NOW: Sleep and wake up on Sunday Finish this blog post, Talk to someone about anything and everything. THREE CAREERS YOU’RE CONSIDERING: Something in a Hotel Industry Marketing? Teacher? THREE PLACES YOU WANT TO GO FOR HOLIDAY: London Paris America THREE CARTOON CHARACTERS: Blossom Bubbles Buttercup THREE BOY’S NAMES: Eli Matthew Kevin THREE GIRL’S NAMES: Adrienne Danielle Jenna THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE: Ski Ride a really scary roller coaster Something that nobody would expect me to do.
Date ; Time ; 3:32 PM Title ; sec 3 day 1. I'm definitely I am going to be paying a lot more attention in class this year than last year with the BRB. First day of school. Got to school ultra early, glad to see that I wasn't like the first one there at 6.20am. Canteen duty was super boring, because somehow everybody seemed to know where to go. It was pretty darn obvious anyway. Went to class, met my teachers. They're ok. Not wonderfully awesome or horrible. Though I do think my form might get a bit more on the bad side through the course of the year. Sat with Carolyn for like, 2 minutes before they changed us so that the scholars can sit with locals. Sitting with a girl called Ha right now! =)) She's from Vietnam and she's nice. Did a lot of class administration stuff. Break came, all the 2gyians united. OMG A FRIGGIN BIG BEE JUST FLEW INTO THE ROOM WITH BUZZING SOUNDS AND IT'S OUT NOW. Had PE after that. When asked to form a group of six, it was hard. Played captains ball. In uniform. Was perspiring like CRAZY. My aiming is lousy. But I didn't really need that game to know. Went back to class. Had a free period. I was a serious loner. Highlighting my timetable and making my notebook look pretty. Carolyn and Joellyn dropped by to vandalise and waste about 3 pages of my notebook, then went off. Had recess with tisapwshasydlindeecyn. Couldn't find badminton people, when I did they were sitting with other people so I would have felt weird sitting with them. It was fun =) Had commencement assembly. Ann is a sick sick minded girl. "You can have a year of satisfaction with invigoration and rythm" YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY THAT YOU KNOW. After commencement assembly was mother tongue. My ultimate high of the day. First, all the higher chinese/malay/scholars left. Then there were only 4 of us in the classroom. Then, all the 2gyian's started filing in! Mei Yin, Sydney, Nat, Vera, Jia Ying, Renee, Ying Mei, Chris, Charmaine, Charmaine, Qi Ying Kelly, Hannah, Joellyn, me. That's our chinese class, plus Charlene. I loved it so much, because for once during the day I felt so at home and at ease again. We were making so much noise, and the teacher was nice so it was awesome. I shall love Chinese lessons this year, even though I may just fail because I'll be talking. Heh. When school ended I left pretty much immediately. The bus came fast, but there was this crazy jam all the way up Bukit Timah. All the worried primary school parents picking up their little kiddies I guess. HAVEN'T THEY HEARD OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT OR SCHOOL BUSES? Took me 40 minutes to get home. And the sun was scorching. Glad to be home. Now it's the weekend again. I don't want to go back to school, but at least there's chinese on monday. =)
Date ; Thursday, January 01, 2009 Time ; 3:06 AM Title ; HAPPY Y2K9 Happy New Year! I can't make this post long because I'm typing really slowly and quietly so that I don't have to get off because I'm disturbing my mum. I think 2008 was a pretty darn good year. I kind of made a post on the highlights of that on like, the last day of school already. 2009 started off quite badly. Minutes before midnight my mum was cleaning the house and shouting at the maid. Past midnight, we never were all four in the same room. First thing my mum said to me this year? "I asked for the new box. Where's the new box?" Couldn't you have just sit back and enjoy the last few minutes of 2008? Then, when New Year comes I go to my sister's room and say Happy New Year! And the first thing she says is, "Oh, it's New Year already? Why didn't you tell me?" The only person who actually wished me happy new year in the family was my other sis, but she was being nice because my mum had scolded her. Other things said to me during the first hour? "Bring me masking tape!" "Bring me a marker!" "I'm writing, get the hell out!" Isn't that just lovely? Anyway, I'd like to thank these awesome people for sending me New Year's wishes or for listening to me rant about the horrible start to the new year and then comforting me: Tisa Meldee Nicole Meiyin Ella Xinyuan Sean Ashley Siew Yun Pei Fen Kah Yeen Joellyn Christine Chevelle and whoever else I missed out! School starts in a day. I wonder what today will bring. |