on the sunny side of the street. |
![]() MIRANDA. i've got a pocketful of sunshine~ Debbie Hannah Kenji Pei Fen Pei Li Pei Wei Sadrina Shawn Tisa Wen Kang Wen Qian September 2004 October 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 April 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 September 2011 October 2011 December 2011 Designer: xoxo, Basecodes: California blue |
Date ; Wednesday, July 30, 2008 Time ; 9:08 PM Title ; I can see a rainboww 24 Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Sites Who in their right mind would have thought of School Bus Yellow? Or Asparagus? 17% Geek Created by OnePlusYou - Online Dating Site Well, at least this is whether you're a geek or not, not whether you're smart or not. =) I THINK this is a pretty good thing. Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating I just realised these quizzes are from a dating site. Hm.
Date ; Time ; 8:31 PM Title ; MOVEYY Moved seats in class today. Know we sit in 2s OR 4s. BACK ROW BULLIES FOREVER! =) Know instead of only Tisa to bully, we have Sha and PW too. Only PW fights back by stealing Nat's shoe and then using our ammo(wet tissue paper) and sticks in into the shoe. We've moved more to the centre now, but it's better I guess. The WHOLE back of the class is ours. I FINSHED READING ELCIPSE TODAY! =D So now I'm all prepared for Breaking Dawn to come out. I also finished my Maths homework, partially thanks to PL, because usually if I get stuck at a question, I can't bear to leave spaces to later complete it. I also found out who I'm going to be bunking with during the trip this Friday, seetoh and deborah chan. Don't really know deborah, but I SHALL! =) I need to lend Tis and SY pink shirts, because sadly for them, they are against the colour and because of their luck, they wound up in pink gorup and now need pink shirts. Who else to ask but me? =D Went to Macs after duty today with Zah and Ums. It was quite fun! Zah paid for half my food. Saw Jephine on bus. I need to pack for Johor. Tomorrow has training, and so it'll be a little late... Not much to pack though. CHARGING CAMERA BATTERY NOW. I'm prepared for full on camwhore sessions. =D
Date ; Tuesday, July 29, 2008 Time ; 9:26 PM Title ; History test today was not so bad. Someobdy said the SEQ would be on chapter 6, but noooo, the Great Depression came out instead. I think I should do resonably well. PE was pretty fun too, we learned how to catch with the mitt and all for softball, so Chris and I went together, as we had "experience" before. She nearly disfigured my face! And I made her run a lot on the field. I nearly did a split while playing against another group because I slipped on the grass. Sometimes I would throw the ball, and then forget that I'm supposed to run because I was watching how far my ball went. Then the people in my group would be like, "GO!!" and I would start running. After school had combined marching practice. The sun was SUPER DUPER hot. So hot that I looked down during marching and A noticed. Oops. My hair was burning, and during break I would hide in Bala's shadow. This girl came by, trying to make us test and do a survey on her own made sun block. I didn't want to try, but apparently it smelt quite nice but was very oily. My arms and legs were so tired after marching, but there was still training. My knees hurt like crazy whenever I put sudden pressure on them. That is NO GOOD. Because even when I wear a knee guard, it does not help at all. Coach says it's probably my muscle was overstrained or something. That sucks. Training today was pretty slack, probably because I only went for half the training. Just did these drills that pass by very fast but are quite fun. =) I'm almost done reading Eclipse. In fact, the book is laid out right in front of me now. Hoping to finish it tomorrow I guess. Breaking Dawn is out on Monday, so cool! =)
Date ; Sunday, July 27, 2008 Time ; 8:44 PM Title ; I CAN NAME 32 COUNTRIES! 32 In five minutes. I honestly thought of Kazakhstan, but I just couldn't spell it. There were like, 200+ more to name, but actually I thought there were more in the world. Whenever you're being timed you just seem to forget everything you know.
Date ; Time ; 4:10 PM Title ; She's gone. Gone gone gone to Abu Dabi (however you spell it). That means I can go wild! =) Which I probably won't because I'm such a good girl. It's a sad sad thing she left, because that meant that I had to take bus to and from training. It was fast though. Went to training a little earlier than usual, had to do this jumping thing which I am REALLY bad at. Then there was an even scarier jumping thing. We had to stand on this stack of mats, which were on a rollable trolley thing and then jump, and then bend down and touch the thing on the chairs. That's for being tall. Hais. Mostly played games today, I usually can't play on Sunday trainings. I don't know why. Then had duo qiu, did only 4 sets with long long breaks in between. Everybody was asking me where my contacts were today. One coach said that whenever he played with contacts, they'd always drop out. I called him a loser. Hahaha. I promised Mrs W to do push ups and all, so I'd better do them later. SY owes me two drinks. Still. I owe her none now. =) HERE ARE MY DARLING NEW SHOES! The interior is PINK! =) And the design on the tongue is nice.
Date ; Saturday, July 26, 2008 Time ; 9:22 PM Title ; TO FITNESS, WE CHARGE!!! Today was a pretty tiring day, thank goodness for naps! First and foremost, HAPPY BIRTHDAY(tomorrow) ADE DARL! I'm so glad you were touched by our efforts =) Even if Pei Xing's brownie was underbaked. Hope you LOVE me and SY's pressie! So training today was pretty ok I guess, trained together with Xin Min and two TK girls. Duo qiu-ed, played like, 4 sets of doubles then we had this racing thing. The game we played during CAMP. It was awesome fun, but tiring. SC BEAT XM! YEAH! Thanks mostly to ling, vicky and PX. They're ULTRA fast please. Oh yeah, while I was playing doubles, Jiale and Anna's rackets collided and Jiale's racket broke. Ouch. To make it worse, it was her racket's debut. Mr Wong was just like, I'll give you another one. WHATTT! Anna felt super bad and her's was hardly even scratched I think. It's like, a Mercs crashing into a Toyota. After training we had to arrange all the tables back for the O level prelims, took like, 40 minutes to do it, with help from the Xin Min girls and Mr Lau. WEIGHT TRAINING. After that had to walk over to my grandparents place. I was super late, and my aunt and cousin was there. Went to my dad's house, bathed, watched tv, slept, ran 4K on his treadmill while watching MTV. SY and I made this deal to complete one page of our log by this week, which means tomorrow. So yep yep. After dinner by dad took us to Queensway and I bought my beautiful new brown and PINK asics shoes! =) They're trail shoes, so I think I'm going to wear them to Kina. I hope they're ok... I shall take a picture and post it up another day. Then while we were walking around I also got PINK FBTS! I've been wanting to get a pair, and now I do! WOOTS! My beautiful beautiful PINK fbts! While walking around, I saw a pink racket. OMG, it was love at first sight. But there's no reason for me to get a new racket and it was kind of heavy. The racket was actually silver with a bit of pink, and then it had a pink grip and pink and white string. LOVE LOVES LOVES!
Date ; Friday, July 25, 2008 Time ; 10:31 PM Title ; Exercise YAY! Pretty fun day today! Home econs was super slack, we had our "fashion parade". My shirt's arm holes were way too big and the back was way too low, so I fet very exposed. oO Took loads of pictures during lessons, camwhoring with Tis, Syd and Sha. After school went to help the primary school SCBT for a couple of hours. Then SY came over to my house and we climbed down and up and down and up and then down 21 levels. It only took us about 20 minutes, and it wasn't actually as hard as I thought it would be. Good for me! So I did two of my trainings, and tomorrow I shall go running. MUST KEEP FIT (or get fitter?) FOR MT KINABALU! After the exercsing we went online to try and attempt to design the SCBTBDF shirt but we hardly finished at all, we had this picture of a cow, which was SO CUTE, but completely disfigured and looked like a reindeer at times. Then we went down to the supermarket and we bought, stuff. Then we came back up and did something to those things and ate dinner. Then we went back online and I showed her the resort where we're going to be staying next FRIDAY (can't wait! -squeals-) and then we played icy tower. Now she owes me two drinks and I owe her one. Then we played this DDR like game, which I am sucky at, but she rocks at. BAHH. She pretty much just left. Someone got me really annoyed today. You're leaving, so you just can't give a damn how well we score anymore right? You tell us that it looks weird and doesn't fit right, and maybe, because there's something MISSING. Will you just LISTEN for once instead of just shouting replies to whatever you think we're saying? I was actually thinking, hey, maybe you're just some misunderstood kid or something, but you know what, I think not. Good riddance.
Date ; Thursday, July 24, 2008 Time ; 6:35 PM Title ; I realised I can no longer think of post titles. Just proves how much creativity I have. Stayed home today, woke up at 11+, finished reading New Moon (lend me Eclipse someone!), I think I like Twilight more. So anyway, after I finished reading I was preparing to go to the doctor when I realised I didn't have enough money to pay the doctor. So yeap. I went online and well, duh no one was online, which left me lonely and bored. So I started on the music analysis which was due yesterday yep. JUST finished it. I'm quite proud of myself really. They look pretty. =) I didn't know whether We Will Rock You can be really used as a musical because the music was not made for the musical but vice versa, but who cares anyway. I went to the doctor in between, he didn't give me any medicine, just an mc. I saw PL on the bus yep, JC and they still end so school so early. It's not fair. I missed science practical today, and apparently we got our maths test back. I got 45/50, which is good I guess. I want to do better. Algebra rocks like crazy, and I don't really want to draw graphs. Hais. I also missed the combined marching practice, and I was supposed to sell SC So Cool shirts during recess. Plus training. What a day for my body to choose to fall sick.
Date ; Wednesday, July 23, 2008 Time ; 9:25 PM Title ; I. Absolutely. Abhor. Being. Sick. I. Hate. It. To. The. Core. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME THIS YEAR. Why the BH is my immunity so low? Not being sick for about a month is considered very good for me now. Everybody's telling me not to go to school tomorrow, but I DON'T want to miss training! She'll just end up lecturing me about how I should be more committed and must put in more effort. Do you not think I TRY? It's not my fault my mum doesn't like me training four times a week, and I have OTHER things to do to. But this is beside the point anyway. OH NO! I CAN'T miss school tomorrow. It's the science practical. I barely passed my last test, like really, BA-RE-LY. Then again, considering how lousy I am at science, I may actually do myself justice by missing it. Now for more non emo (is that even considered emo?) stuff, today 58th Prefectorial Board was presented to school. The getting onto stage was a little screwed up, like all the small sized sec 1's were squished to the back so they couldn't be seen and tall people blocked the view of the sec 1's. I was smack in the middle of the second row, which left the visualiser blinding my eyes if I looked up. Through out the whole thing I was telling SY, "I need to sneeze", and she was like, "Please don't". Then Nat on the other side said,"I need to pee" then SY "Please Don't"-ed again. After that was voting for heads yeps. Mrs Low surprised them with some impromptu questions. Freaky. I still can't wait for Johor trip, the place we're staying at looks great. But we're really not going to play golf...
Date ; Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Time ; 8:42 PM Title ; PLEASE!! Nobody ever updates. Except me. This leaves me to be a very sad sad bored girl. PLEASE UPDATE SO I WON'T BE A SAD SAD BORED GIRL ANYMOREE! Or maybe I just come on too often. Hais.
Date ; Time ; 8:22 PM Title ; Today was a pretty not so good day. Maths test in the morning was relatively easy, except I feel so dumb for forgetting that anything times 0 equals zero and I ended up spending like, half an hour on this stupid question and the whole page is completely filled with cancellations. Plus, my answer isn't even right. BAH. I just hope I didn't make any careless mistakes. Got Chinese test back today, amazingly I'm top of Ms Tan's two classes, but it still isn't very high. NOT AN A1!! Darn it. I missed it by half a mark, and if I had just left a line in between answers, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN AN A1. DARN IT. After school, the 58th PB gathered for the first time. It's really huge. Exco was announced today too, so CONGRATS YOU LOVELY PEOPLE AND BUDDY! So tomorrow we're going to be officially announced to the school and then there will be voting for head and vice head. That's REALLY quick. Then next week we go to stay in a RESORT in JOHOR. CAN'T WAIT!! It'll be SO SO SO FUN! After that was the Mt Kinnabalu briefing, besides the money already spent on the trip itself, going to have to pay a few hundred more for the gear. The climb seems quite intimidating, and the training they require us to do is insane. There are like, 6 different things we need to do in a week, each is 2-3 times a week, so basically I'll be exercising my butt off every single day. DURING EXAM PERIOD TOO? SY and I made plans to go climbing at my house, up to my level. That should be exciting. Hais. But the view looks awesome, so I can't wait for that either! Woots. Only 4 people turned up for DSA trials today. That's quite sad. Plus their first choices are like, nanyang or raffles, which annoys me so much. Just because you don't have to take Os? PUH-LEASE, the SC spirit is way stronger. CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEEKKKK!
Date ; Monday, July 21, 2008 Time ; 1:37 PM Title ; 210708 A day to be remembered. I JUST STUFFED MY CONTACTS IN ON MY OWN! Which made me start tearing like crazy and made my eyes red. And now I can't stay online long or else my eyes will become super dry. It took me, what, half an hour to stick it in? Or at lease according to my Camp Rock Soundtrack estimation. Yep yep. WOOTS.
Date ; Sunday, July 20, 2008 Time ; 8:15 PM Title ; I was taggedzorz VERA TAGGED ME! It's been like, ultra long since I've done a quiz on my darling bloggy. The idea of the quiz is to answer the questions with the first letter of your name and they must all be REAL live places or things or whatever. Yep yep! TAG 5 PEOPLE TO DO THIS :D 1) 4 LETTER WORD: Mile 2) BOY NAME: Matthew 3) GIRL NAME (can't be your own): Mindy (how the hell did I get that?) 4) OCCUPATION: Mother (best and most stressful one ever) 5) A COLOUR: Mud Brown. =) 6) SOMETHING YOU WEAR: Mini skirts? 7) BEVERAGE: MIRINDA! AHAHA 8) FOOD: Mutton 9) SOMETHING FOUND IN A BATHROOM: Myself! 10) REASON FOR BEING LATE: Monkey went wild inside house! 11) SOMETHING YOU SHOUT: MORNING! I TAG PEE WEE, MELDEE, PEI LI, MARISSA AND MEI YIN! Training today was pretty slack, my mum stuck the contacts in for me, so I was pretty dazed and I had to play doubles against SY and JT, and I missed nearly every shot. I felt so bad because I was playing with somebody I didn't know(who went to 14SLC too! What are the odds?). At least we got a double digit score, no thanks to me. Then I played a lot of half court stuff and then Mr Wong helped me to train my defence which totally sucks and then made me do arm swing and then I went home. =) Everybody thinks I look weird with contacts, and coach thinks I look prettier with my glasses. Hais. At least I'm not wearing contacts full time, it feels weird, but I got used to it eventually. No school tomorrow! And I haven't learnt to put contacts in myself, so I can't bring them to school on Tuesday for training... I shall practise tomorrow! =)
Date ; Saturday, July 19, 2008 Time ; 10:35 PM Title ; CONTACTS After training today my mum took me to go eat lunch at Shaw, and because of getting my face whacked by the netball during PE, my glasses were a little our of shape so we went to the optometrist! Then My mum told him about how I train so much and he was like,"Have you considered getting her contacts?" I didn't expect my mum to even THINK about it at all, but then she said YES! SO COOL. Thank goodness my degree hasn't changed much. So we did this thingy, and then he tried to teach me how to put the contacts on. Which didn't really work. He managed to help stick one into my eye... I can't help the blinking ah! I'm very scared that if I like, put the contact in I may accidentally poke my eyeball out or something. oO So anyway, I'll need help! It's 2 weeks, so I can't waste them. I don't want to go BLIND TOO!! So after that, I went home and crashed out at 4, woke up at 8. I hardly even trained at all too!
Date ; Friday, July 18, 2008 Time ; 7:39 PM Title ; Farewell Cheng. 2GY held a little party for Mr Cheng today for like a farewell-ish thing, but honestly, we were enjoying ourselves more. Syd bought chips, Renee baked brownies and tata made and oreo cheesecake. It was awesome camwhoring time and we all stuffed outselves. The oreo cheesecake was GOOD. Must learn how to make it myself. =) After recess our class was utter chaos with us all taking off our shoes and playing then scissors paper stone stretch game and concentration. After school I had to make two trips to the canteen from the PB room, it's super far!! Ah! Then I had this CCA leadership talk thingy and then I went back to the room and me and Zah were making people out of the letters of tisa, nicole, samy, wai lam her and my names. It was quite cool. =) Then Nic, Zah, Wai Lam and I just sat there and talked about SLC, then Zah and I walked Nicole the to bus stop and then we came back and then we went to Macs for some food, which probably explains why I am not wanting to eat right now. Yeps. Oh yeah, today was ATD. Which stands for Abuse Tisa Day. It was absolute chaos, it started with Mei Yin, Sardine, Nat and I sticking post its on Tisa's back, and throwing paper balls at her and putting staples into her hair. Then it turned into a crazy wet tissue paper ball fight. It was going all over the classroom, and stupid Nat's throwing was so bad that instead of hitting Tis she hit Sarah in the FACE! Hais. Nat and I also spent lesson time singing and attempting to harmonise for the Seasons of love song. Yep yep. Quite fun! Class photos from Racial Harmony Days. Everybody looks so happy and joyful, it's makes me feel so warm inside. :D
Date ; Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Time ; 4:49 PM Title ; Loves SCHOOL! I realised that without school, life is just a WHOLE lot more boring! Yesterday was one of those super exhausting long days. School in the morning, after school had this short meeting, afternoon training, then bathe go for CIP at WOODLANDS. School was pretty fun I guess. My face was whacked by a netball and my glasses were kind of squished, but I was able to fix it back into shape. Sort of. Prefects results were released!! I'm RE-ELECTED. YAY! There are SOOO many new prefects. I counted, and there are going to be 89 prefects in the board. That's a shit load. I can't wait for Invest, and everything to come! All over again! Badminton team was kicked out of the hall for a while due to Racial Harmony Day rehearsal so we went down to the weights room to do weights for about an hour. Pilates are painful. Ouchies. Went back up for training, footwork and gameplay only. Then I rushed off to bathe and then rushed to the lobby with JY and JT but the bus wasn't there. It wasn't there till about an hour later. The 11 of us there were playing games and all like Black Magic and stuff and I attempted to do Maths homework. The bus FINALLY came, and guess what? It was the SCBT's favourite MGS bus. The tiny one with no air-con. We continued playing games on the bus, took super blurry pictures and stuff. Yeps. By the time we got to Republic Poly, there was no more ushering to do. So we walked and clustered around like fools and then we went to eat dinner. Then we helped out with the reception which was over REALLY fast and then we got to eat. Yay. Chocolate eclairs! =) Then we just hung around again inside the VIP holding room talking and pulling shoe laces and then we went to say goodbye to people. We get 4 hours for that? It wasn't our fault we were late anyway. :D On the way back we were singing songs at the top of our lungs and pretty much out of tune. It was SUPER fun singing with everybody!! =D Yay yay! I got home at about 11. Nearly forgot to ask my mum to borrow her Sarong Kebaya. Today was RACIAL HARMONY DAY. So I wore the Kebaya, and thank goodness my mum sent me to school, or else I'd just attract weird stares on the bus. I walked in to school and there was like, NOBODY wearing enthic costumes so it really freaked me out, but thank goodness it wasn't the wrong thing. =) Did I mention the Kebaya BRIGHT pink? =D That's everybody's first reaction. IT'S PINK. Yeap, and I was carrying my pink bag and my pink file with my pink water bottle and pink wallet and pink ipod. Took TONS of photos today, it was a VERY slack day, that's the good thing about Wednesdays, even though it ends late, it always passes by the fastest. 2GY took about 5 billion photos, and I WANT THEM SYD AND NAT. It wasted half our Geog period and it was AWESOME fun. Today was voting for exco too. I think I made the right choices.
Date ; Monday, July 14, 2008 Time ; 5:18 PM Title ; MIss the Marriage. My mum said that my uncle's going to get married on 1st October this year. Good for him! He's like, super old already. I've only been to one wedding before, and that was to my mum's cousin's wedding when I was p4? That's 4 years ago! It was FUN too. I was able to get a dress and shoes and everything just for that. Then now it's my second chance to go for a wedding, but why does the world go against me? It's EXAM period. No way I'll be able to miss an exam for a wedding, even if it's family. I'll never be able to take the exam again and my mum would never allow. To be honest, my mum doesn't really like my to be auntie-in-law, same goes to my second aunt. But I WANT to see everybody! I mean, the last wedding I didn't really know who my mum's cousin was, and now I know my uncle, WHY. WHY WHY WHY. This is NOT fair!!
Date ; Time ; 4:33 PM Title ; being bored booboo During Lang arts today we were supposed to be doing this poem thing which was super emo about some people searching for this guy who in the end they find to be hanging from a tree dead. So yeap. Not my kind of poem. I like cute don't-really-make-any-sense ones like Sheil Silverstein. So while being bored, Mei Yin, Nat and I started talking about future partners. That some how derived from talking about McFly, to Busted and some extra little things in between. It was a lot of nonsense and accusing each other of the worse things, but it was fun! =) Helped to waste our time away. I did the stupidest thing today. I was drinking water, then I sort of just capped my bottle, but not tightly, and then went to talk to PW while holding it. I don't remember what exactly we were talking about but then it was something that made me do those hand flicks, with the hand that I was holding my unscrewed bottle, and SPLASH. Water covers the floor. That is just about the stupidest stupidest thing I've done, but for Pei Wei and Joellyn, hilarious. BAHH. I would have just hair flicked PW then, but who knows, maybe my hair wasn't on right and the whole thing would come out. GAH.
Date ; Friday, July 11, 2008 Time ; 8:12 PM Title ; ice skating yay! It was a pretty okay, so-so day for me. Home econs was FUN, and I'm pretty much done with the shirt, I just have to neaten the sleeves. It doesn't look too bad I guess, but if you look closely there's lots of imperfections. And, I'm sick. Again. It must be because of yesterday. The weather, off and on sunny weather, and then we went running, and I perspired(yes, not sweat) like crazy and then we trained in the air-con with my shirt all wet and cold. Great. If I start missing trainings again, my standard will go down. This sucks. It sucks to be sick on its own. Today I was absolutely miserable during school because I kept sneezing and blowing my nose, and then I'd feel ultra sleepy due to that. So because of that, I slept through CE. THANKS NAT YING MEI LIZZIE STEPH CHEW CHRIS VERA AND MORE! for giving me tissue/helping me ask to let me sleep/lending me your tennis jacket. =) So after school PW and I went for lunch that the school was treating us to or something because we helped with the ExCEL fest. It was a good good lunch. I ate two helpings since I didn't eat recess because we were rushing our geog project. The chicken wings were ULTRA oily though. I'm craving chocolate and that honey drink now. I decided after school not to go for ice-skating since I had a cold and going ICE skating where it would be coldER than other places was not a smart idea. I ended up being persuaded by PW to go anyway. So we walked over to her house because she had to change her clothes and stuff. I saw donut factory donuts and I was like, GASP. We cabbed to Jurong East... Today's ice-skating was FUN. We had one hour of lesson and I sort of learnt how to stop, even though i don't stop immediately when I do it. First thing I can't master on the first few tries. =( SHALL GET IT. It was the last lesson for pre-alpha level so yeps. THANKS JONATHAN for being our coach! =D After the lesson we skated a bit and then went to eat cup noodles. Then we took neoprints! Walked with PW to mrt later, got home much earlier than she did. =D Attempting to do the something something stop. While holding hands. Our pretty(rented) ice-skates! Plus coach's! Took lots of tries! PEI WEI ROCKS.
Date ; Thursday, July 10, 2008 Time ; 10:09 PM Title ; GREASE FEVER I blame it on music class. We're doing MUSICALS. These Grease songs have been stuck in my head for a FORTNIGHT. PLUS, I'm starting to WHISTLE during training. My gosh. Still. The Jonas Brothers so is extra. I didn't like it at first. But being me, after listening to any song a few times, I start liking it. What can I say? That's me! =)
Date ; Time ; 9:40 PM Title ; NO FREE ICE CREAM. JUST 7KM. SCBT ran to Island today to get the free ice-cream. We left school at about 2.20? We got there in 20 minutes. Or less. Not bad. The run was actually quite short. Maybe like, a 2.4. So when we got there, there was a whole load of school people. All the schools around the area. So we were lining up, and then this girl comes out and says they aren't giving out anymore free ice cream! =( So us hungry girls troop over the Macs. I had a McFlurry and fries and Melo and Chevelle copied me. =D We ate until about 3, and then Ms Lin took us running in the Botanic gardens. THAT really killed me. We ran from the Cluny Road entrance, to the Orchard entrance, which had a lot of ups and downs. My head started hurting really bad and I got stitch. So I started walking on the way back to school. Then eventually everybody walked so that we could be in a team. SORRY HORRIBLY FIT PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO RUN! Ms Lin's estimation is quite baddd!! She said that we had 400m to get back to school when we were at CCAB. That's IMPOSSIBLE. So basically, we ran/walked about 7km. I won't survive Great Eastern I tell you. I've signed up already though. =) Took some pictures, but shall post it another day. Wrong computer. Bah. Well, GOOD JOB SCBT. PROUD OF YOU GUYS. =) GO FOR THE GOLD! Oh yeah, today was the Twelfth Night performance too. OMG. I think we screwed up. I asked Ms Chow to tape it, but I haven't gotten round to looking at it though. I missed a line, and then from the evalutaion forms we were too soft and needed to step more front. I saw one that said that me and Meggie did well though. So yay! :D OMG. I'M SHEDDING. I need hairfall control shampoo! MY BELOVED HAIR!
Date ; Wednesday, July 09, 2008 Time ; 6:25 PM Title ; SUPER SLACK! Today was one of the slackest days of the year. On an ordinary day 3, it would still be quite slack, but of course, 2 teachers had to be absent! Both our FT and CT missing. Hm. I'm not finding quadratic equations that hard yet. Yay! Note the word yet though. During geog we practised the Twelfth NIght performance. TOMORROW. Scary sia. Assembly was the voting for the PB. There are SO many nominees, and I think they have to cut it down by what, half? Adding to that, everybody was given 8 votes this year instead of the 6 and prefects got 10. There are 17 sec 2 prefects now, but somehow I found it hard to give out my 10 votes. I'd just feel like I'm betraying someone when I didn't vote for her, but then I told myself that they wouldn't know anyway. SO. Samy's super scared that she won't make it, but if she's being scared, what should I be feeling??? Well, nothing I can do about it now, so just wait until early next week... I can't wait to go overseas! Early August, IT BETTER BE AWESOME. There was career talks today too. I thought I was going for Restauranteer, but I ended up going for Hospitality/Hotel Industry. I rushed up from Teachers' Day meeting and I sat with Siew Yun and Pei Fen. The talk was quite interesting, lots of pictures, and the speaker was quite funny. So enjoyed it. What's more, he brought COOKIES that were baked in the hotel he worked at, and when we asked a question he'd give a cookie. He owes PF and cookie. Hahaha. Teachers' Day is stressing me out. I need to collect the gifts, but like, the student body doesn't like to cooperate which results in us being scolded or lectured by the parent volunteers every week. What to do. COME ON MIRANDA. JUST A MONTH MORE AND IT'LL BE OVER. On the way home today I saw a double-decker 186. There are NEVER any double-decker 186, but since there is one now, maybe there'll be a double-decker 156 soon! =) Oh yeah, why do I have to look so innocent or whatever, that makes everybody sit next to me on the bus when there are no other available seats? Yesterday after training, I sat next to about 4 different people on the bus? One person would leave, next person would never fail to take up that empty space. Bah.
Date ; Tuesday, July 08, 2008 Time ; 8:44 PM Title ; Xin Min friendly! Hm, the friendly wasn't exactly as I expected it to be. I played only 3 games and for the first half of training we did agility and footwork. I'm happy to say I won all my matches! Yay! Don't know why, but Xin min training doesn't make me SO tired like usually in school, but I don't know... The bus ride back from Xin Min is always bad. Takes me an HOUR. Like, from when it's still light, and when I get home, the sky's all dark and scary. I slept on the bus today yay. My sister's back from BANGKOK. She got me the TUNA shirt!! =) If you don't know what it is, it's like a rip off of PUMA, but instead of PUMA, it says TUNA and has a TUNA jumping over the words instead. =)) I shall take a picture and post it up. It's blue though. But it's a nice blue, like Rackie blue. YAY! That's it for today I guess. I have to do Twelfth Night performance! I'm OLIVIA and Malvolio's gonna try and yellow stocking me. AH!
Date ; Monday, July 07, 2008 Time ; 6:34 PM Title ; TAKING FIVE I just watched Taking Five again, and I still love the movie, even though it's a complete chick flick and not very deep. =) In nicer terms, it's feel-good. Just like HSM and Sky High. So now I've got Kidnap My Heart stuck in my head all over again, but it's not a bad thing I guess. Why is it that I always end up watching a movie when I should be studying for a test? Oh oh, Eric Dill is kinda cute, kinda not cute. =) In the movie yes, but then on the CD no. AH WELL. He ain't part of Click Five anymore. Joey Zehr! Yay! Before the movie I baked peanut butter cookies yay! I put chocolate chips on top but they all fell off. =( It still tastes awesome though, you can't go wrong with Betty Crocker''s cookie mix. Internet is super wonky today. The internet moves UBER slowly, and my msn is moody. Dang it. STUDY MIRANDA. STUDY. DON'T BE A PROCRASTINATOR. Maybe my internet is being like that, because it wants me to study. Hais.
Date ; Sunday, July 06, 2008 Time ; 9:39 PM Title ; I'm BORED. Well, I have nothing better to do, and I really don't want to study for geog. Training today was pretty bleh, my defence sucks like crazyyy. I need to practice against a wall, but if I did that at home, my mum'd kill me. Apparently SCBT is going to have a friendly with xin min on tuesday since the hall is stilll being occupied. Will it be any fun? Maybe. YOUTH DAY HOLIDAY TOMORROW. Yay! Taking 5's showing on TV again, so yay again! I'm making the whole SCBT run the Great Eastern in October, hahaha. Actually it wasn't my idea, but I think it's a good one. =) Besides, I'll have to run the 10km anyway. SCARY mann. I want to go out. I need to get out of this house, away from the computer and stop ruining my eyes. Oh yeah! I finally finished reading Twilight, even though it's like, how old. I don't really like Edward that much, even though everybody else seems to love him and he is described to be perfect or whatever. I found the book kind of okay at the beginning, ending part was a little better I guess. Woots. I shall now conclude the end of this post that I have done only out of boredom.
Date ; Saturday, July 05, 2008 Time ; 8:55 PM Title ; MOE ExCEL Fest Day TWO! Second day of Excel fest was definitely more fun than yesterday. Like, way. I got there at about 2.45, and then just sort of walked around giving booklets, than I put together the booklets and walked around more. Yay. There was this guy who was holding a flower from the other booth which scared me and Charm. I was walking towards my booth, and then he would suddenly wave his flower around and go "hi!". I ignored that, but then later, when Charmaine and I were walking towards the quiz place, he waved his hand out in front of me, and my immediate reaction was to duck and shout "WHOA!". I ended up squatting on the floor. Total unlgamness. Pei Wei is a mean evil person who mocks my laughter and refuses to let me wipe her chocolate on her. Another thing that happened was this competition with Cynthia to give out booklets. We gave Cynthia 20, and Charm and I took about 20 in total together, and we ran around giving them out. Then Charm just ran over to the HCI booth, and started dumping our booklets on their table. The guys there were just like, "hey, NO!" but we ran away. Then later we challenged Cynthia to give out 1 while we gave out a whole stack and so we ran over to the HCI booth again and told them we'd take it back later. It was super retarded and we were laughing like crazy. When Cyn found out she gave us her Cyn stare. We had dinner at this Vietnamese restaurant and Ms Sie forced us to drink this drink which had white fungus in it. Then we got chocolate. Charm and I tried out the quiz, which was quite fun, but we couldn't answer the questions. A lot of the time, we would say something that was actually the right one, but then we'd end up changing our answer. We got so excited to press the button once we completely knocked over the booklets. Oops. While clearing up, I stuck Velcro on Cyn's belt, and I don't actually think she's realised yet. =) Took us THREE tries. The big(or as Tis would say, humungornomus) balloon. At FOOD republic! She FINALLY agreed to take picture, and she gives that funny face. Bah.
Date ; Friday, July 04, 2008 Time ; 11:30 PM Title ; DUTY DAY. I could have missed school. But noooo, I had to miss the meeting yesterday, and so everyone else left in the morning. Just as well I guess, I may not have survived 12 hours there. So I cabbed after school over to the Convention Centre and helped out a little, got some food,went up helped a little more. I walked around the whole place, went to the planetarium with Charmaine, which was actually quite cool, but got me very dizzy. Saw hansen there, left at 6. Went to City Hall MRT after that, I didn't actually know where I was walking to, but I somehow managed to end up at the right place. So I met Tis and we walked to the Concert Hall together. The walk there was toturous for certain reasons. We got there and ate pizza and popcorn chicken and then started duty. We were selling programmes which was quite ok I guess. Somebody gave 10 bucks for one programme booklet. That's what I call generosity. =) Since we were in pairs, we started having a little competition and actually Ann, Nen and Kelly's group earned more, but Tis and I formed an alliance with Ashley and Mars so we beat them hands down. =) After a while we went into the concert hall and we watched the concert. After the concert we hung around for a while and then my mum sent Tis to the MRT and then I went home. I have training tomorrow, and then after the ExCEL fest again. From 3-8.30. Never mind. Free ice-cream!
Date ; Wednesday, July 02, 2008 Time ; 5:38 PM Title ; Today. Today was a pretty good day I guess, we watched the ending of Twelfth Night, again, Our CE period was a lot of shouting, and Maths was spent doing 2 maths questions. Wow. After school, went to check the nominees. I'm nominated again! I was SO relieved!! Everyone else in the sec 2 board was renominated too, and then there's PW and SY nominated too! So YAY! Sec 1 juniors had quite a few too, except Chev, aww.... Went to prefects room after scanning through the whole list and went on a gummy eating frenzy in the PB room. Then I ended up helping for detention for like, 15 minutes, and then played frisbee with Jud. We were planning to play Badminton, but only one racket's string was not broken. What do the primary schoolers EAT?? There was interim head meeting today too! It was quite ok, we had PIZZA. Love pizza. PICTURES from the choir concert and the Synchro Nationals! Me, Tis and Nan! And tisa undeflatable plastic bag. Stupid Tis. Do it WITH me. Chuch and me on second day! Loves everybody in this picture! =D
Date ; Tuesday, July 01, 2008 Time ; 8:43 PM Title ; Woohoo Weekend Last Saturday was my SYNCHRO NATIONALS CIP and the CHOIR CONCERT. Then Sunday was the SYNCHRO NATIONALS CIP again and training. It was one super tiring weekend and I nearly fell asleep during the CIP a lot. On Saturday I went to Toa Payoh after training and I just ate my lunch and all first. Then I was made to sell these shirts and nose clips. Nobody bought any shirts but there were quite a lot of nose clips sold. TISA and NANDINI would come by often to keep me company, and Tis and I would cam whore. WHEE. After the synchro nationals, Tis and I went to VELOCITY to have dinner. We ate at KOPITIAM and then went to buy DONUTS from donut factory! There are new flavours! So coolll!=) Then after that we went to school! We met Venetia and Gen outside school, and then Meldee and then we went in and met Sydney and Pei Wei and then we went into the Khoo Audi because Zah was late. During the intermission we all met up again and then we ate the donuts that Tis and I bought for them. Then after intermission Cyn and the IJ people moved in front of us. It was quite fun annoying Cyn! Been a while since I did that. Hahaha. I definitely preferred last years concert, but this years was good too. The finale part is always the best. =) Luki and this other choir girl were super cute emcees! After the concert, we "I love nicole you love nicole we all love nicole hey!"ed. Then we took pictures, met Sha, gave sha donut, went to toilet, took pictures, then we all separated. Sunday was pretty tiring too. Woke up super early for a weekend and went to Toa Payoh again... I pretty much slacked the whole thing, because I was actually supposed to sell stuff again but because there was no time, I ended up sitting next to Chuch while she time-keeped. =) Then I spent about an hour sitting on a table selling stuff, nobody bought anything. Then I got somebody to take over me and then I went for training. I think my favourite catergory for synchro is DUETS. =) The songs were mostly upbeat and there was like, Hairspray, Rihanna and stuff. Training was fun too! It was like, a girls vs guys battles and I should think that us SC girls totally rocked. =) Chels, Joy, Qi qi and me. Very fun. Today's training was actually quite fun too! The B div girls went to Xin min to train and because there was oral going on, we played running games like squirrel and nut and freeze and melt. Fun fun! Then when we went to the hall we played games. Lots of them. I took an hour to get home... Which means I was home just about half an hour ago. =( Super tired and I FORGOT TO BRING MY MATHS TEXTBOOK HOME! MUST start training for Mt Kinabalu. ENDURANCE! |